|  | | | |  |  |  |  | CQOut Reaches Milestone Listing Numbers |  | |  |  |  |
Post: #1 Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 8:28 pm |
Steve - Admin |
Site Admin |

Joined: 07 Sep 2007 |
Posts: 215 |
"UK based internet auction site CQout this month celebrates having over
half a million items for sale for the first time, cementing its claim to be the
UK's second largest internet auction site. CQout was set up by three
London Business School graduates in late 1999, and since then the
company has grown quietly by word of mouth, content to watch other
auction sites come and go while developing its own solid reputation for
security and customer service to the point where it now has users in over
50 countries." |
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Post: #2 Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:37 pm |
Enthusiast |
Joined: 13 Sep 2007 |
Posts: 121 |
Location: UK |
This site has certainly been around a long time and for years it was very quiet. For that reason I gave up bothering with it because nothing I listed sold and when I bought anything the sellers seeemed half asleep as they had obviously dumped their listings there long ago and forgotten about them.
But looking at it again today and a few weeks ago, I agree things have changed but I don't think the reasons for that are actually very positive. I'm sorry to say that the site has become a convernient place for the shifting of counterfeit goods, particularly by sellers in places like China & Singapore. If you do a search for Rolex you will get 30 pages returned. I can't claim to have waded through all these but a sampling threw up nothing genuine. New Rolex watches at £25, £35, even £175, I don't think so! But the people buying them know what they are getting. Indeed some are clearly described as replicas. But they're illegal & if they appeared on a market stall they would be seised. Some of these sellers are doing very well . One I looked at was selling several each month (going on his feedback) & had total positive feedback of over 770.
If you search for Louis Vuitton the same depressing pattern emerges and Chanel etc etc. There are also clearly fake DVD's - since when was the Borat disc multi-region? well if its an unlicensed Chinese copy no doubt it is. And then there is the adult section, which I won't even begin to describe but much of the DVD & video stuff there is uncertificated & illegal. Plus even R18 titles can only be sold in licensed sex shops not mail order so they shouldn't be on an auction site (that's why eBay UK won't allow them).
CQout's answer to this is their RightsManagement programme because they say brand owners are better able to judge what is a fake than CQout are. What a cop out. If I can identify a fake then so can CQout. To join the RightsManagement program brand owners must pay £40 a month!!! And £2 for each auction cancelled.
There is no forum on CQout so you can't easily find out what other members think. But in case anyone thinks I'm being harsh, other people have said what I'm saying elsewhere, and if you look at the site you can see for yourself.
Is it the 2nd biggest UK site? I'm not convinced. In terms of items sold I suspect that continues to be eBid. If you judge by the value of what sells I suspect strongly that Specialist Auctions hold that place.
I don't think CQout's position is sustainable. At some point there will be a day of reckoning when the powers that be get wise to what is quietly going on there. Meanwhile there is the Tiffany case against eBay. If Tiffany win that (& my money would be on that) then other brands are likely to come knocking on CQout's door. And I don't think they will be paying £40 for the privilge!
There's an old saying about judging people by the company they keep. That's why I won't be returning to CQout while it continues its current policy of anything goes. |
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Post: #3 Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 2:46 am |
Steve - Admin |
Site Admin |

Joined: 07 Sep 2007 |
Posts: 215 |
Hi Enthusiast,
I am not speaking on behalf of CQout here - or trying to defend them
as that's not my place to do so. However on the RightsManagement
programme I didn't think it was too bad an idea - the copyright holder
signs up and if anything is listed with their copyright they are informed
instantly. If found to be counterfeit then the sellers details are handed
over and the items pulled - sounds good to me - though I agree the
monthly charge might be considered excessive.
Talking in general terms about fakes should auctions be responsible for the items they have listed?
Or should the responsibility ultimately lay with the seller?
If you answer yes to the first question then surely the implications
could be quite widespread and am not convinced that this is the
right approach. Would that mean that as an example newspapers would
become responsible for the items contained in the classifieds, councils
responsible for the goods sold at car boots etc....
If auction sites give rights holders a method of identifying fakes and
working to have them removed then that is at least a good start.
With regards to their place within the auction market I think the usual
practise is to judge by the amount of items listed. Though of course
this is not perfect it's the only visible thing most people can judge
a site on. Information on value of sales is rarely given out and anyway
may not also be a good indicator as to a sites potential. Simply guessing
at the number and value of sales from a small snapshot is unlikely to
be more accurate. In all honesty placings are just for vanity reasons I
would imagine and clearly what works for one seller may well not work
for another.
As for Specialist Auctions I do like their approach and they have a
following (from what I can tell) that like their targeting of a niche
market. However because of this they don't have the reach of a general
auction in terms of being suitable for a mass audience so would not rank
them in the same way. That's not to say that they aren't good at what they
do and I have heard many positive reports from users - which is what
it should all be about really.
Steve |
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Post: #4 Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:46 am |
Enthusiast |
Joined: 13 Sep 2007 |
Posts: 121 |
Location: UK |
Hi Steve
Yes I can see what you're saying. Myself I do feel auction sites have quite a bit of responsibility about what is carried on their sites. Most people who are active across a number of sites know that certain top brands are notorious for being counterfeited. That's why I looked for Rolex and Louis Vuitton as being typical very common examples. Why can't the site owners not do random spot checks? How can they not know they have 30 pages of mainly fake (possibly all fake) Rolexes? I have to say when I was active on the site and did report suspicious items nothing seemed to be done, but this is common on many of the larger sites. I don't believe many brands are going to pay £40 a month for the privilege of reporting that their items have been counterfeited. As to car boot sales, trading standards officials frequently visit them so there is some monitoring of what goes on. Anyway it is likely that in the near future the Courts are going to decide on what responsibility, if any, sites have. But it was interesting that some months ago Tazbar mentioned they had been warned against carrying adult DVD material so that is a pointer as to where the authorities regard the final responsibility as lying.
As to judging sites size by the number of items carried, this can be easily distorted. On one of the new sites you commented on here a few days ago I found one item had over 200 identical listings. Some sellers, particularly dropshippers, do this in great numbers on many of the larger sites. You will find some of this in the Rolex listings on CQout for example.
With Specialist Auctions there is very little of this and they are a site that do regard themselves as having a duty to keep fakes off the site. Indeed they make a great thing of this. If you find such an item there, and obviously sometimes you do, it will be removed with great alacrity as will the seller! If SpecialistAuctions can do this, I don't see why CQout can't. But that's just my view. |
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Post: #5 Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:06 pm |
liquidations |
Joined: 16 Sep 2011 |
Posts: 1 |
I use both CQout and eBay. I prefer CQout because their policies are much fairer to buyers and sellers alike, unlike eBay which is all one sided, and the sellers don't get a fair deal in any dispute.
I think the selling fees are CQout are also much lower that eBay, so I make more profit on CQout that eBay. I get a little less sale volume on CQout but at least there is more left for me, unlike the eBay sales where paypal and eBay fees eat heavily into the margins.
I also like the simple, uncluttered approach of CQout, it makes life a lot easier and listing a lot quicker than other sites |
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Post: #6 Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:44 am |
timekeeper |
Joined: 16 Sep 2011 |
Posts: 1 |
i joined this site essentially to pick up some tips from sellers etc
i was drawn to the site that i currently use and was surprised at some of the criticisms leveled at it here.
i have found CQout to be a great site, not perfect by any means but in my opinion better than most.
i particularly like securepay, an in house escrow service that as a buyer has saved my bacon on more than one occasion.
we all know that sellers sometimes fudge the details to make the lot sound better and this can lead to disputes between buyer and seller
securepay addresses this problem, if you ae not happy, you send the goods back to the seller and CQout gives you your money back.
so you can buy with complete security.
many times on eBay i have been stuck with the goods and little redress, even when having paid by paypal a complaint takes months to deal with and always seems to favor the seller.
as to listings and making them, the interface is easy, you can use your own templates and colors to personalize your auctions.
i find eBay too technical these days and quite daunting .
so i always use CQout first
its my favorite site and recommend others try it |
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